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Coming soon will be Facebook Live interaction with Prophet Samuel Sika, preaching, teaching and prophecies!

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Also check out YouTube prophesying videos!!!

Prophecies videos are spoken in Twi but there is an English commentator that reveals the prophecies in English.

Below are some posts of value about the conduct of a minister that was being passed along on internet by some pastor. Senior Seer, Prophet Samuel Sika would like to pass this to others as the post instructed.

1. Ministry must be demarcated from marriage.
2. Don’t take ministerial work at the expense of your marriage.
3. Don’t use ministry to fatten yourself.
4. Don’t make any man the pillar of your ministry.
5. You must be able to fast and pray. Prayerlessness leads to pitfall.
6. Let there be limitation in your relationship with opposite sex.
7. BEWARE! The devil plays upon what you always desire/love.
8. Cover your wife’s weaknesses in public.
9. Stand firm on the Word, but don’t be proud about it.
10. Tame your appetite.
11. It’s not every honorarium that you collect, be careful.
12. “Autonomy of Pastor” is a pitfall, don’t think you are self-sufficient.
13. Don’t live a seclusive life, have fellowship with others, right people.
14. Be a praying machine.
15. Watch your doctrine, be alert in the spirit, flee all appearances of evil, live with eternity in view.
16. Avoid “Balak-Balam revival” never invite a preacher to come minister in your church for wrong reasons.
17. Handle your home well, avoid anything that can cause separation or divorce.
18. Don’t underrate your members, they are people of God.
19. Don’t speak evil of other pastors, love does not speak evil of it’s brother.
20. A pastor must have a pastor. Have elders that can help you,
21. Remain addicted to the teaching of God’s word.
22. Pastor’s and Pastor’s wife’s should Stop Borrowing Money from Jesus Members and the Public.
23. Be a True Disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
24.Have Self control and Discipline yourself under the power of the Holyghost.
25. Be humble enough to fall prostrate before the Lord in Worship
26.You don’t discuss your host with his members.
27. You don’t ask your host members to come see you secretly for prayers .
28. You are not to be collecting your host members telephone numbers.
29. You can’t be inviting your host members to another church or your next ministrations.
30. At least let the host know if someone blesses you, it won’t affect your honorarium.
31. Never come to the city of your host to hold a program without his knowledge
32. Respect and acknowledge the wife or husband of your host.
33. Know the full name of the church
34. Know the full name of the pastor you are ministering for.
35. Call the pastor with his right title
36 . You don’t be little the pastor before his members.
37. After your ministrations call the host pastor and thank him for the opportunity to minister in his church.
38.Never complain about any gift(honorarium) given to you with the church leadership.
39 , Don’t be asking the members of your host to do shopping for you.
40.Refuse dinner with host members unless the host pastor is invited.
41. No pastor should regret bringing you to his church
42. Never feel the reason why you invited is because you are more anointed than your host.
43.Stay within the time given to you and respect the order of the service
44. If you are a guest artiste invited to sing please don’t say before I sing let me share…(Please don’t preach)
45. Don’t be stressing your host and the protocol assigned to you with unnecessary demands.
46 . It is a TABOO to sleep with any member of your host.
47. Don’t use the pulpit of your host to promote yourself.
48. Don’t assume you are allowed to sell books and CDs, ask permission first.
49. Always make it a joyful experience by smiling and don’t insult the congregation.
50.Always be ready to be picked up from your hotel by the time given to you by the host and don’t let them be waiting for long.
51. Do not invite someone on his expenses and make them meet their bills it’s unethical and ungodly.
I do hope you’re blessed sir/ma. We will all finish strong in Jesus name. Amen
Pls share with every minister of God that you know. It may help them.
I do hope you’re blessed sir/ma. We will all finish strong in Jesus name. Amen
Pls share with every minister of God that you know. It may help them.
Delivered as received:
I got this from a fellow Pastor and feel that I have to share it on group platforms. Please kindly read it carefully.
“The lawyer is working, The lecturer is working, The journalist is working, But the pastor is playing abi? You try, Clap for yourself.
You think everyone else in every other profession is really busy, but when it’s a pastor, you say ‘go and look for a job’.
Well done!
We applaud professions that don’t offer real value to people but think less of those who do.
Footballers earn far more than doctors,
Comedians earn far more than teachers,
Most Pastors earn very little or nothing.
And you think that’s fine?
How has Messi helped your life or given you a new hope for living?
How has Basketmouth saved your marriage or helped deliver you from addiction?
But pastors are involved daily, bearing the brunts of helping people live a better life and yet when we see them own a few things, we behave as though they don’t deserve anything.
In case you don’t know, being a pastor is one of the most demanding and sacrificial work I know on earth.
I am a pastor. I have been a pastor for the past 10 years now.
I have been to police stations severally because of church members.
I have visited several hospitals and spent nights there awake because of church members. I have travelled long distances, given up my belongings, attended to marriages at the verge of divorce, and conducted funerals all because of church members.
The last was a family who were barely 4 months in church who had an accident and the woman and her baby died on the spot. When I got there, their whole family was crying to me, asking me in tears ‘pastor why?’
Who else is supposed to answer such a question? Its always the pastor. Yet in the midst of that, we bring courage and restore hope.
But when it comes to a pastor having money, people will frown and wag their tongue against it. And yet the economy is not different for pastors o!
Everyone else cries but when a pastor does, he has no faith.
Everyone can bring their problems to pastor but no one asks if pastor has eaten, he should tell it to God.
Everyone else can be forgiven when they make a mistake, but pastors’ mistakes are unforgivable. (‘And he calls himself a pastor’ is always the line)
Everyone can be rich but not pastors, else the society will begin to talk.
You will read headlines, “members are poor but pastor is rich” but you won’t ever hear of or read when “members are rich and their pastor is poor”.
You think it doesn’t happen?
I have seen a church where many members have big cars but they all drive home without anyone offering to drop pastor and his family home first, not to talk of buying him a car.
Do you know that majority of pastors are actually struggling financially, taking multiple jobs and even menial ones to survive?
But they won’t tell you, especially the ones who probably deserve it more.
See let me tell you, if you see a pastor doing different jobs while in ministry, let your heart be moved favourably toward them and treat them honourably especially your pastor.
They’re sacrificing a lot.
Instead of you quoting scriptures to teach that pastors should work (as if pastoring is not hard work), it should be your desire to be able to care for them to the point where they won’t have to do other jobs to survive.
Don’t join the bandwagons of those who dislike pastors and do all they can to defame them.
Remember, there is *GOD* o!”
This post made my week.
*God bless every Pastor.*