
Here are sampling of testimonies yet its so many by God’s goodness.

Vision oil testimony!!!

Hi Prophet Samuel!!! I guess you’re not a human but spirit being. When I received the oil you sent me last month and did the instructions you gave me with much faith. I have never seen this in my life, oh my God!

How come?

Prophet Samuel, to my surprise when I close my eyes, oh my God! I see visions!! Jesus!!!!! I’m very happy wow.

Last Sunday service, I was impressed to call out two people out and the first one I got closer to him and closed my eyes imediately I saw myself giving him £2000 and a audible voice came into my heart saying; tell him that I the Lord is about to open the £2000 way for him soon. Prophet Samuel to my surprise the guy comfirmed it to be true and that’s was his praying point from last week till now. I love your anointing Prophet Samuel!!!

To the other one with my eyes closed that I saw a name like Rose on her forehead and she confirmed that her name is Rose!!! Because of much excitement I couldn’t continue prophesying.

Prophet Samuel you’re great and blessed. God bless you.

Pastor Fred from UK

I called a lady from the crowd and said, I’m standing in the year 1983 and I saw a man and a pregnant woman called Mr and Mrs Johnson, suddenly I saw the pregnant woman given birth to a baby girl on March 4th and was given a name called Bertha. The lady confirmed with fainting crying tone saying: she was born on 4 March 1983 and is called Bertha and his father is called Mr Johnson. The lady fell into the power of God while speaking. Amazing
[8/29, 2:21 AM] Prophet Samuel: Divine Vision oil
Hello Prophet Samuel, this is pastor Cuz from Poland who requested your prophetic oil on 17 December last year and received it on 3 January 2018. Prophet Samuel, I’m so happy now that I see visions as never seen before. My seeing is clear than hearing from the Holy Spirit. Wow, I thank Yeshua for your life. God bless you Prophet
[8/29, 2:29 AM] Prophet Samuel: Testimony
Prophet!! You’re amazing, I prayed on the oil you sent me for money doors and drunk it, immediately after 8minute, I had a call for interview and we were 26 people and only me and one Lady was selected for three months contract which is about $30,000 each, that can help me pay for my bills, school fees, debts etc…. Wow I thought miracle was dead, because I was not have a single penny on me. I have believe in you much and Jesus Christ your God.
[8/29, 2:34 AM] Prophet Samuel: I have been looking for the fruit of the womb for 4years, by the grace of Jesus Christ on Prophet Samuel miracle mantle, I have my own handsome baby boy now about 5 months old. Hallelujah!!!!!

A certain pastor that Prophet Samuel Sika met in 2017 was complaining about the vision mantle and the Prophet told him not to doubt but believe. Now he contacted Prophet and sowed a seed of Thanksgiving saying he’s seeing visions and he’s amazed!
A boy who swallowed a tennis ball and they called Prophet Samuel Sika and he told them in the name of Jesus Christ, the small ball will come out from his mouth and immediately after speaking with Prophet Samuel Sika, the ball came out from the small throat of the boy!!!!

– Some young pastor came to the seer with a lady photo in his pocket and it was hidden. Seer Samuel told him the lady on the photo is not your right rib partner and surely she shall return your promise ring. Two days later the pastor confirmed the prophet’s words because the lady returned his promise ring as the Seer saw it in the spirit!!! God is good.

– Two twins came to service and wanted guidance about father’s accident. The Seer by power of the Holy Spirit told them the date the accident happened and whom was behind it, naming the person and revealing secrets. The twins fainted from hearing the truth under the power of God!!!

– two people were wearing Prophet Samuel’s wristbands and armed robbers approached their vehicle. Hmm!! They began praying to Jesus Christ with the anointed wristbands and the armed robbers were confused because they seen them no more!!!!! The robbers left in confusion and the people realized God hide them and preserved them from harm!!!!!!

– will post more soon.