COVID 19 and Several Prophet Samuel Sika’s Prophecies (Japan, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, etc) Fulfilled

These prophecies were released in 2018. COVID 19 and several others were fulfilled.

All the 2018 prophecies are on our world prophecy page but reposted here for quick access. I included the Youtube videos confirming the prophecies of Prophet Samuel Sika.

In 2018, Prophet Samuel Sika prophesied COVID 19:

I see starting from this year 2018 going, the rise of Bad people will begin to make deadly products selling it to companies and it will destroy many people.

2018 Prophecies

USA: Watch out or more attacks on come. USA should Pray for Florida and also for their economy or crisis will catch them.

Mexico : I saw fire attacks or gun shots attacking people. Pray against disasters this year (2018).

India: I saw horror!!!! Let the whole world pray for India because thy enemies is near you. I saw new diseases that will also break out in there taking innocent lives.

Pakistan : I saw a little small misunderstanding that will take out many lives and also pray against attacks or natural disasters.

UK : I saw many spiders( terrorists) inside UK or British attacking.

Africa : I saw a hero or great leader if care not taking will be taking home (RIP).

France: Watch out now and arise in more security tight for your enemies is planning against you.

World : Pray against an attempt to kill a leader of a great nation and if not, hmm!! Jesus Christ is in control.

Saudi Arabia : I saw much calamities in there that we need to pray against it.

China : Pray for your cities much and also watch out.

We should pray for the world, I saw some two or countries that earthquake or great hurricanes is about to troubles and effect them.

Japan : Pray for them, something unbelievable is about to happen to them if much prayer is not available.

Christians in Egypt and Europe should be watchful and careful for the enemies is at the corner.

Nigeria : Pray for your President, I saw fire out breaks and also economy hardships. I saw some people crying. Nigeria needs prayers.

Zimbabwe : I saw evil soldiers that will do stupid things secretly against the country

Israel : Let pray for the peace of the nation of Israel.

North Korea and USA need to be careful of what they’re planning to do especially North Korea.

I see waters being pollute by some strange powder and diseases being spread.

I see starting from this year 2018 going, the rise of Bad people will begin to make deadly products selling it to companies and it will destroy many people

Turkey, China etc….. Should be careful. I see a new planning to attack Israel and we should pray ye people of God and also for Australia because I saw a great calamity that shake it and also small ones.

India and China should stop what they’ve planned against each other.

Rumors about of the coming of Christ Jesus and the end of the world or Third World War will be spread worldwide but it will not happen in this year 2018

Ghana : I saw accidents, fire out breaks and deaths of people more than last year through diabetes / high blood pressure and through malaria. Ghanaians should pray for their leaders and I saw hardships than ever and some companies will fail. I saw many people complaining much against the government. I see death around the parliament of Ghana and Ghana needs to pray for protection and blessings.

International : I see a plane target to be damage or to be crash.

Puerto Rico will face calamities if care not taking.

Ghana: 60% of people are complaining against the president or government much this year and people tried to do coup against the president. People that have died through accident this are more than 700000, people that died through fire outbreaks and malaria is not among, hmm!!! Even we have not reach else where in 2018.

Acts 12:15 Still Happens!!!

Dear Believers in Jesus Christ:

Another testimony of uncountable testimonies that come into the ministry and happens daily as the Holy Spirit wills.

Write unto Prophet Samuel Sika and your life will not remain in neutral or on the decline. The Holy Spirit is within him in great measure and it separates the authentic prophets from the fake prophets, holy prophets are holy unto God (Jesus Christ). God bless you as you read this testament to Jesus Christ still doing miracles through His Spirit (Holy Spirit) in Prophet Samuel Sika.

A man walked up to Prophet Samuel Sika and said, ” I just saw you! You gave me advice not to do this when I became angry to fight someone two days ago.”

Prophet Samuel replied, “I traveled for 6 days and just came here today.”

It was the Holy Spirit using the image of Prophet Samuel or one of His angels (He sees angels daily) ministering to this man to keep him from possible battery (beating someone) or worst.

As a junior seer, I can testify to seeing Prophet Samuel Sika in my dream visions teaching me things as the Holy Sprit directs.

Acts 12:15 still happens, Jesus Christ is great!

Bi Location Miracle!

Dear Friends in Christ:

This happens frequently so we wanted to share with readers and supporters of this ministry.

Testimony from Ghana:

A believer met Prophet Samuel Sika on the road and said, “Prophet Samuel, I just saw you within minutes preaching to people on the other junction?” The Believer is bewildered how is he seeing Prophet Samuel in the current location and recently saw him at the other junction!!!!

Prophet Samuel replied, “no, I have not even moved today until now.”

That is the Holy Spirit doing as He pleases with His holy prophet. Romans 8:14, remember true prophets receive orders from the Holy Spirit and are enlightened by His directions.

Overflow of Blessings Testimony

Dear Believers,

Read this amazing testimony came in to our ministry.

Testimony from Canada:

Prophet Sam! In fact, God is using you in a great way. When I sowed $150 into your ministry. $1500 came to unexpectedly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God honors the faith of a cheerful giver.

World Prophecy Fulfilled: Japan

People of Jesus Christ!!!!! Heed the warning from the Lord Jesus Christ through His anointed Major Prophet Samuel Sika

In January 2018, Prophet Samuel stated the following in a prophetic word to Japan:

Pray for them, something unbelievable is about to happen to them if much prayer is not available.

If this Prophet of God can speak to nations, surely he can speak to your situation, that lack, that spiritual blockage, etc.

Divine Vision Mantle Testimony

A certain pastor that Prophet Samuel Sika met in 2017 was complaining about the vision mantle and the Prophet told him not to doubt but believe. Now he contacted Prophet and sowed a seed of Thanksgiving saying he’s seeing visions and he’s amazed!

World Prophecy Fulfilled: Nigeria

In January 2018, Prophet Samuel Sika prophesized the following:

Nigeria : Pray for your President, I saw fire out breaks and also economy hardships. I saw some people crying. Nigeria needs prayers.

Breaking News:

World Prophecy: New Zealand

New Zealand : I’m seeing an earthquake striking some area. New Zealand should watch out.

World Prophecy: Syria

Prophet Samuel Sika’s prophecy to Syria: Al Assad and Syria should watch out because I’m seeing darkness hovering on them and I saw it dropping evil poisons chemicals attacking people and properties. They should watch out for attacks in their various cities.

Let’s pray for Syria.

Miracle Vehicle!!!!!

Testimony from USA:

 I am a junior seer who trains under Prophet Samuel Sika.

 In Summer 2017, Prophet Samuel Sika prophesized to me that I would receive a free brand new vehicle when I moved locations to a different state and mentioned many more things. Well, even as a seer yourself, you at times, don’t always see how the Lord will do certain things. I came out of a rough patch in life before my family and I relocated to a new state within USA. While in the new state, due to things out of our control, we lost a home and a vehicle! Actually, I went through a great depression and never experienced despondency like that but God began working miracles for a good paying job and a place to live in the new state. The last hurdle was a vehicle as we borrowed a family member’s vehicle and we had so much trouble with this vehicle. I must of spend over a few thousands (great sacrifice) bringing it to where it runs decent. You know the kind of vehicle you pray it starts each day. Many times, I felt like giving up because I encountered tribulation after tribulation. We were still mourning the loss of a child and all seemed lost.

 Well, today, I received an unexpected call and a family member purchased us a new vehicle!!!!!! The family member stated God said to do it for you and your family because you all been through so much and I want to help. The family member said do not worry about the monthly note or insurance, I will pay for it. It was so humbling and great and I took it for a joke because at times, when you had a few rough seasons good news seems foreign and I said, “yeah right, you joke.” The family member said, “this is no joke. I felt a fire inside of my stomach instructing me to purchase this vehicle for you and your family.” Then, a picture was sent of the vehicle and truly this is a miracle!!!! Due to the trauma our family suffered and having to leave our jobs quickly, after losing home and vehicle, it was hard to get approved in USA for any vehicle so this is an amazing touch of grace from Jesus Christ to have someone else purchase it!!! We thank Prophet Samuel Sika for prophesying the word of the Lord unto us!!!!!!! The word tried us as it says in Psalms but in the end, the Lord gave the increase, totally unexpected!!! I had forgot about the prophecy until it came to pass today!!! God blessed us with a Nissan Pathfinder, brand new!!!