Request Vision or Miracle Mantle

Many five fold ministers and leaders are requesting the presence of Prophet Samuel Sika to visit their country.

The Seer Samuel Sika wrote a prophetic book under the unction of the Holy Spirit to help saints hear and see from God (Jesus Christ).

Also, ministers of God if you need help to see clearly in the realms of the Spirit, Prophet Samuel under the direction of the Holy Spirit is sending out vision mantles to help you.

Also, those in need of a healing, miracles, deliverance or blessings and restoration, the seer will sent his miracle mantle to you.

If you want to request the Seer’s presence in your country and/or request a prophetic book and/or request Vision mantle and Miracle Mantle, contact him on WhatsApp +233 24 406 2757 (instructions to download WhatsApp is on the request prophecy page) or use the contact form below.

God bless you in Jesus name