
Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.
​Historically, in the African culture and some other cultures, the births of great prophets of God (Jesus Christ) are foretold. This holds true for Prophet Samuel Asiedu Sika of Ghana, prestea. Once upon a time, his beloved mother attended Senior Prophet TB Joshua’s camp. By God’s grace, she was called out of the massive crowd. The Senior Prophet moved forth in prophecy foretelling the birth of Prophet Samuel Asiedu Sika, including in the prophecy that she is carrying a prophetic boy with great power. Also, he would be like a Prophet Moses or a Prophet Elijah to return the hearts of the people back to God (Jesus Christ). lastly, he would train many other apostles and prophets to move in the Gifts of the Spirit.
God (Jesus Christ) always confirms His word and an old prophetess spoke prophetically to the mother of Prophet Samuel and told her the foods to eat and the foods to avoid while pregnant with this prophetic boy. She even told how the prophetic boy would look and he would have locks like Samson from ancient times. Also, when he was born, the community confirmed that gold dust appear on the doorpost of the family’s door in great abundance and his birth brought reconciliation throughout the family by God’s grace.  
During his tender years, Prophet Samuel’s spiritual eyes were opened and he saw the Lord Jesus Christ in a field as he was playing with friends. After this visitation, a heavenly light was shining around his head and waist, which is the presence of the Holy Spirit. As the prophet showed humbleness and obedience to the Holy Spirit and dedicating his life to prayer with fasting, the Lord continued to open his spiritual eyes to the prophetic realms and his ministry began to grow by God’s grace.
He heads Peniel Prophetic Ministry based in Ghana, Prestea. Today, his ministry is earmarked by prophetic accuracy, unexplained miracles/healings, ministries and businesses prospering. Also, world prophecies coming to pass concerning a plethora of nations (USA, China, etc), whom will be king or president, celebrity prophecies, state of the Bride (church), national disasters, etc.